Scott Conard, MD

Founder & Partner, Converging Health

Scott Conard, MD

Founder & Partner, Converging Health


The President of a major corporation recently shared his excitement about his health benefits program. It has saved millions of dollars while adding years to the life and life to the years of his employees and their families. With heart attack rates down over 80% over 4 years, stage 3 & 4 cancer not occurring for screen-able cancers in 3 years, he had gotten dozens of letters from employees whose life had been transformed. He did not start his career to do this – but it was the perfect legacy he wanted to leave.

I work with healthcare providers, corporations, and brokers to create these results using an approach called Conscious Healthcare.

This journey began in 1996 when 3 of my patients, all in their 40’s, died suddenly. “Come see me when you feel ill,” evolved to “let’s figure out and lower your risk” This meant creating strong patient engagement, health literacy, and proactive systems of medical care.

In 2003 the system to empower, support and motivate this change was renamed TienaHealth (care to encourage & guide patients to become whole and complete – physically, mentally, socially, financially, and spiritually) at work and at home. Primary care evolved & we created books and programs – The Game of Health, The Seven Healers, Seven Numbers, Seven People, and Weight Loss the Jabez Way – to touch, move, and inspire new mindsets & habits.

The Chief Medical and Strategy Officer position at Medical Edge followed. Growing from clinician/entrepreneur to corporate executive as we scaled these concepts from 180 offices/ 343 providers – to 240 offices/ 510 provider serving 1.3M patients in 4 years. Re-framing care from reactive to proactive resulted in a $16/$100 /person/month savings for all patients & people with diabetes respectively, and improved quality, safety, & patients’ satisfaction.

These results are possible for every company, and every individual. As a board member, executive, thought leader, or consultant I am committed to working with others to create sustainable high performance that saves money while adding years to the life and life to the years of every person.

All session by Scott Conard, MD